Monday, November 21, 2022

Sermon Report

Yesterday's sermon was preached by Pastor Engelsma at Covenant URC. The text was Genesis 9:25 - end of the chapter. This passage relates the story of God's covenant with Noah. Some scholars theorize that it never rained before the flood, sot eh concept of water falling from the sky was unusual to the pre-flood people. Noah would've seen water falling from the sky, which had never happened before, and then a worldwide flood decimated the entire planet. After the flood, the climate changed and rainfall became commonplace. The rain would've reminded Noah and his family of the horrors of the flood. After all, the last time it rained everything that wasn't in the ark got destroyed, and that was only because they had a few hundred years' warning. However, they could look to the rainbow, and remember God's covenant with Noah, that he would never again use a flood to destroy the whole earth. 

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