Monday, May 18, 2020

End of Geometry, Scratch Problems, and Julia

This morning I finished my final geometry exam. I have not received the grade for the exam, or for the entire course yet, but I have gotten good scores on the last two tests so I can hope :| . Because of the quarantine, I haven't gotten a report card for a while, so it's kind of nerve-racking because my grade could be bad or good, I just don't know. Also, on scratch, I have been working on a grid-based movement system (Like in chess and most board games) and was having a lot of problems, but someone on Scratch was able to help me so I got that done. Now I am modifying it to work with multiple pieces. As for Dragonbane, I am having a problem that has never occurred with me before, though I have used the scripts in it before and it worked perfectly. Another, the biggest thing, is that I got another sister. Julia Ruth was born at 4:33 p.m, Friday, May 15, 2020.  She is officially my smallest sister at 6 pounds and 20 inches. Anyway, that's all that has been going on. Still "quarantined" for the most part :) . 

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