Friday, March 6, 2020

Tales of Valand: The War of Darkness (Chapter 8)

Drenwulf watched as the elves began to prepare for battle. Next to him was Rinyen.
"You do not seem to be very worried," Drenwulf said, squinting. He was still getting used to the light that he considered blinding.
"No," Rinyen answered. "We've been preparing for something like this for hundreds of years. We knew the Darklings would likely make an attempt to regain their lost power, but this is one of the strongest temples in the whole Eastern Sea and the entirety of Valand."
"Have you seen the entirety of Valand?" Drenwulf questioned.
"Oh no, it is much too vast to see it all."
"Tell me about it, please."
"Well, there is the Farthingdom, a land inhabited with gnomes who make the best kind of food from Fruit. Their cider is famous. There is also the rolling hills, green forests, and flowing streams of the vast Kingdom fo Ronor. it is ruled by men. To the north of both of these, there is the Elvendom and the Dwarvendom. Elves and men came from a faraway place in the west. The dwarves and gnomes used to be the only inhabitants of Valand. The dwarves never got over having to share the vast continent, and so they keep mostly to themselves. The elves have cities built into the forests. It is a great place. The only evils there are the Orcs. They reside in the mountains crisscrossing every kingdom. They are evil itself, but there are no orcs here."
An armored elf approached.
"King Rinyen, the defenses are all prepared. We can do nothing now but wait."
"Good set a watch, and all others may retire. We will meet again come the dawn."
Rinyen left Dernwulf. Drenwulf looked over the sea. A coldness seemed to be coming into his heart. Far away, over the sea, there was something black. He squinted hard into the sunlight. Then he realized what it was. A furiously curling black smoke, glowing with brief flashes of fire! The Darklings were on the move!

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