Monday, October 24, 2022

Sermon Report

 Yesterday's sermon was not preached by Pastor Christopher Engelsma because of the URC synod, which means a bunch of dads got together to talk about how they should run the URC churches and stuff. This meant they didn't have time to make a new sermon so they all swapped churches on Sunday so they could preach an address they had already made. That meant we got Pastor Tunstra (I definitely spelled that wrong so forgive me) on Sunday morning. Pastor Tunstra preached from the third chapter of revelations. This chapter relates God's message to the seven major churches in the first century. Of these churches, all but two had things they needed to improve on, but only one had absolutely nothing good about it. This church was as the chapter says not cold or hot, they were lukewarm, and God would rather they be hot or cold. Our churches need to be careful not to become lukewarm, something I'm sure was discussed at the synod. 

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