Monday, October 17, 2022

Sermon Report

 Yesterday's sermon was preached by Pastor Christopher Engelsma. The text was Genesis 6:7-8. This passage talks about the line of humanity from Adam's sons down to Noah. This passage is extremely confusing, as some of what it says just isn't possible today. One of these problems is the fact that the Bible states that early man lived for about 700-900 years. Obviously, in the current day, you are lucky if you get over 100 years on earth. There are a number of reasons for this discrepancy, for example, numbers are very difficult to translate accurately, especially from something written over six thousand years. On top of that, there's a passage that at face value seems to indicate that angels and women had sons, which became powerful. This passage also probably doesn't mean what it seems like it says. Translators have a myriad of different translations, with some saying it means the Sethites married the Canaanites, which seems more likely. 

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