Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Venus 101

It's pretty common knowledge that Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. However, some might not know that this is because its atmosphere contains a large amount of greenhouses gases. these gases cause Venus to have daily acid rain and storms that zoom around the planet at 250 miles per hour. The atmospheric pressure is so great, that any human standing on Venus's surface would end up looking like a stepped-on pop can. Venus real estate might not be selling now, but back in the day, it might have been. Scientists think that before Venus became a wasteland it had shallow oceans and temperature and pressure similar to Earth. This also makes them speculate that life might have been on Venus, but... 🙂. They think that life might actually still exist on Venus in the form of microbial life. They have seen black streaks in the planet's atmosphere above the acid rain clouds that seem to be absorbing UV light, a sign of microbial life. The streaks are positioned in a section of the atmosphere with temperatures and pressure extremely similar to Earth.

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