Monday, June 1, 2020

Old Testament Class

When the Israelites entered Cannan and conquered it, they lived without a king for some time, but the lack of a strong government made it remarkably easy for Israel to get bullied by other nations, so they anointed Saul who beat up everyone that was beating up on Israel. However, he proved unfaithful so David became king. He also beat up everyone that was beating up Israel, however, his administration was fraught with political unrest. Solomon inherited a strong kingdom, but his complete incompetency at warfare caused Israel to lose most of its lands, including its vassals Moab and Edom. Solomon did benefit the nation with trade and alliances with Egypt. After Solomon, the kingdom split into north and south, Israel and Judea. Israel over time became a vassal to Assyria before a rebellion caused the Assyrians to conquer them outright and deport them to another area. Judea was also a vassal, however, they broke free with Hezekiah's rebellion. Next, they got conquered by the Babylonians before repeated rebellions forced the Babylonians to deport them too. That was all I read of that chapter.

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