Thursday, June 11, 2020

Are the police racist?

This topic has been getting a lot of coverage lately and in all the wrong ways. So I decided to do little research and write a report for it. First of all, a researcher named Lois James did a large study on police in stimulated threats and found that they were more likely to shoot whites than blacks. Roland Fryer, an economics professor at Harvard University, studied over 1,000 police shootings and concluded that there was zero evidence for racial bias and that officers in Houston were more likely to shoot violent whites then violent blacks. Professor Fryer, by the way, is black. Yet, 26% of police shootings are blacks, and they only comprise 13% of the population! However, blacks do commit more crimes than whites. The Department of Justice reported that 62% of all robberies and 57% of all murders are black. In 2014, a total of over 6000 blacks were murdered. Who killed them? Not the police, but other blacks. Therefore, the police are not racist against black people. In fact, when police were active in black communities, crime was low. When they began to move out because of the accusation of racism, crime skyrocketed to a shocking 90% in Cleveland and 54% in Washington D.C. It's not the police that are killing blacks. They are doing their jobs when they stop violent blacks. Does this mean that blacks are naturally more violent than whites? Of course not, blacks are people just like whites, browns, reds, blues, and purple with orange polka dots. The problem is that over 70% of black children are not born into a family. Studies prove that such children are much more likely to commit crimes. So remember next time the media starts reporting on police violence, they are just doing their jobs. 

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