Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tales of Valand: The War of Darkness (Chapter 6)

Drenwulf heaved the net full of fish out of the boat and onto the dock. He was scared. No, he had been scare his whole life, now he was terrified. He hated the island he lived on, but what if the Darklings made the whole world like this? He eyed the slimy wriggling fish hungrily but decided against trying to steal one. He looked up. All of a sudden, he realized he was all alone. The small rowboat that had been occupied by a fisherman was empty. In his place was a small loaf of bread and a small broken sword. Drenwulf looked around, cautiously, he stepped into the boat. Reaching for the oars he pulled them. The boat swung steady and pulled away from the island. He sat there for a moment, hardly daring to row farther. After a few minutes, he heard the shrieking shout that Darkling gave when they were angry!
"Stop him!"
Drenwulf looked up to see five darklings wielding swords and spears issue from the large stone building built next to the dock. Fear blasted through his veins, and his blood ran cold. He grabbed the oars and began to row furiously. He heard the clashing of steel on steel. Looking up, he saw the slaves rise from their work and attack the Darklings, shovels and picks clashed against blades! Something moved him to look to the left. What he saw stayed in his mind forever. His mother, desperately trying to escape a Darkling wearing a steel crown, a blade protruding from her stomach! Time seemed to slow, then he heard a shout. The fishermen, bloodstains on his clothes and more blood running down his face shouting.
"Warn them! Go!"
Drenwulf, tears streaming freely from his eyes, grasped the oars and the rowboat shot away, and into the night.

"Cold night, ain't it?" a bearded man drolled. He leaned over the railing of his fishing ship.
"Sure is," the other agreed. He to leaned over the railing. They sat silent for some time. Then one of them spoke up.
"Eh, Tagon, ain't that a rowboat?"
The other peered into the darkness.
"It shore looks like it."
They watched the shape drift toward them. It came closer and closer. Suddenly Tagon sat up.
"There's a boy in there!"

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